Стильна натуральна постільна білизна ARDESTO для комфортного сну

Home Reviews Стильна натуральна постільна білизна ARDESTO для комфортного сну

Асортимент текстилю ARDESTO доповнено новими колекціями постільної білизни Gloria та Mix & Match: вироби не тільки зроблять сон комфортнішим, а й допоможуть створити доречні акценти чи взагалі оновити дизайн будь-якої спальні.

Постільна білизна ARDESTO вироблена з натуральної тканини. До того ж є можливість вибрати дизайн комплекту чи окремого виробу до смаку — трендові принти або спокійні базові відтінки.


Для пошиття білизни ARDESTO використано натуральну тканину — бавовняний сатин щільністю 205 ТС (колекція Mix & Match) або 200 ТС (колекція Gloria), нитки якого скручені в особливий спосіб.

ТС (thread counts) – показник щільності тканини, зокрема кількості ниток на одному квадратному дюймі. Чим більше число, тим якісніший сатин.


Вироблена із сатину, постільна білизна ARDESTO подарує не тільки неймовірно приємне відчуття ніжності, а й завдяки властивій матеріалу зносостійкості, гарантовано слугуватиме впродовж кількох років.


Вироби із сатину легкі щодо догляду, адже після прання залишаються лише ледь помітні складки, виникненню яких також можна без зусиль запобігти, якщо сушити білизну розправленою. Крім того, тканина вирізняє­ться повітропроникністю й гігроскопічністю, зумовлюючи абсолютний комфорт під час сну: вона добре вбирає зайву вологу й дарує приємну прохолоду, пропускає повітря, забезпечуючи дихання шкіри. Вочевидь солодкий сон на постільній білизні ARDESTO гарантований!

Безліч креативних комбінацій

Колекція Mix & Match виготовлена із сатину щільністю 205 ТС і складається з ­окремих елементів постільної білизни однотонних кольорів. Неспростовною перевагою є можливість комбінувати між собою предмети різних відтінків. Отож, кожен зможе створити власний неповторний комплект для себе чи в подарунок рідним і друзям.

Поради щодо догляду за білизною

  • Новий комплект білизни потрібно прополоскати за температури не вище 30 °C. Це пом’якшить тканину та зафіксує колір.
  • Пральну машину треба завантажувати не більш як на 50 %. Речі мають вільно рухатися всередині барабана для якісного прання.
  • Сортування білизни за кольорами (біле, кольорове й чорне).
  • Якщо на білизні є сильне забруднення, перед пранням його необхідно обробити спеціальним засобом для видалення плям.
  • Після прання речі потрібно відразу вийняти та розвісити на свіжому повітрі навиворіт, уникаючи прямих сонячних променів.
  • Аби спростити процес прасування, важливо не пересушувати білизну на сонці.
  • Перед прасуванням речі бажано скласти вдвоє, що значно зекономить час і зусилля.
  • Температура прасування має відповідати типу тканини, який вказано на етикетці виробником.
  • Збереження зовнішнього вигляду постільної білизни безпосередньо залежить від частоти заміни. Влітку рекомендовано її прати раз на тиждень, а взимку – раз на два тижні за делікатного режиму.

Щоби бути впевненими в якості постільної білизни — вибирайте вироби до смаку з асортименту ARDESTO! А скориставшись порадами ARDESTO, вдасться зробити термін слугування білизни ще тривалішим.

Products from publication
1602 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
1998 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
1752 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
1998 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
1752 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
1998 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
1998 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
1626 UAH*
in stock
Quality bedding that looks aesthetically pleasing is not only about the atmosphere in the bedroom, but also about comfortable sleep and well-being. With this in mind, the green printed bed linen set plants, made of natural material (100% cotton, satin), is a must-have for every home.
1998 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
3432 UAH*
in stock
The ARDESTO Mix&Match Premium set is for enthusiasts of colorful explosions, avoiding flower swirls, sharp transitions and unexpected solutions. Together with the natural fabric (100% cotton, satin) it successfully works to ensure peace and comfort during sleep. The density indicator is 300 TC, meaning the product will maintain its shape well and will not stretch after the first wash. Satin does not cause allergic reactions, breathes inconspicuously and absorbs moisture well. Moreover, it will not lose its brightness or fade – competitors' sets simply have no chance.
1998 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
3432 UAH*
in stock
The ARDESTO Mix&Match Premium set is for enthusiasts of colorful explosions, avoiding flower swirls, sharp transitions and unexpected solutions. Together with the natural fabric (100% cotton, satin) it successfully works to ensure peace and comfort during sleep. The density indicator is 300 TC, meaning the product will maintain its shape well and will not stretch after the first wash. Satin does not cause allergic reactions, breathes inconspicuously and absorbs moisture well. Moreover, it will not lose its brightness or fade – competitors' sets simply have no chance.
3432 UAH*
in stock
The ARDESTO Mix&Match Premium set is for enthusiasts of colorful explosions, avoiding flower swirls, sharp transitions and unexpected solutions. Together with the natural fabric (100% cotton, satin) it successfully works to ensure peace and comfort during sleep. The density indicator is 300 TC, meaning the product will maintain its shape well and will not stretch after the first wash. Satin does not cause allergic reactions, breathes inconspicuously and absorbs moisture well. Moreover, it will not lose its brightness or fade – competitors' sets simply have no chance.
3432 UAH*
in stock
The ARDESTO Mix&Match Premium set is for enthusiasts of colorful explosions, avoiding flower swirls, sharp transitions and unexpected solutions. Together with the natural fabric (100% cotton, satin) it successfully works to ensure peace and comfort during sleep. The density indicator is 300 TC, meaning the product will maintain its shape well and will not stretch after the first wash. Satin does not cause allergic reactions, breathes inconspicuously and absorbs moisture well. Moreover, it will not lose its brightness or fade – competitors' sets simply have no chance.
2838 UAH*
in stock
The ARDESTO Mix&Match set is for enthusiasts of colorful explosions, avoiding flower swirls, sharp transitions and unexpected solutions. Together with the natural fabric (100% cotton, satin) it successfully works to ensure peace and comfort during sleep. The density indicator is 205 TC, meaning the product will maintain its shape well and will not stretch after the first wash. Satin does not cause allergic reactions, breathes inconspicuously and absorbs moisture well. Moreover, it will not lose its brightness or fade – competitors' sets simply have no chance.
2838 UAH*
in stock
The ARDESTO Mix&Match set is for enthusiasts of colorful explosions, avoiding flower swirls, sharp transitions and unexpected solutions. Together with the natural fabric (100% cotton, satin) it successfully works to ensure peace and comfort during sleep. The density indicator is 205 TC, meaning the product will maintain its shape well and will not stretch after the first wash. Satin does not cause allergic reactions, breathes inconspicuously and absorbs moisture well. Moreover, it will not lose its brightness or fade – competitors' sets simply have no chance.
2838 UAH*
in stock
The ARDESTO Mix&Match set is for enthusiasts of colorful explosions, avoiding flower swirls, sharp transitions and unexpected solutions. Together with the natural fabric (100% cotton, satin) it successfully works to ensure peace and comfort during sleep. The density indicator is 205 TC, meaning the product will maintain its shape well and will not stretch after the first wash. Satin does not cause allergic reactions, breathes inconspicuously and absorbs moisture well. Moreover, it will not lose its brightness or fade – competitors' sets simply have no chance.
2838 UAH*
in stock
The ARDESTO Mix&Match set is for enthusiasts of colorful explosions, avoiding flower swirls, sharp transitions and unexpected solutions. Together with the natural fabric (100% cotton, satin) it successfully works to ensure peace and comfort during sleep. The density indicator is 205 TC, meaning the product will maintain its shape well and will not stretch after the first wash. Satin does not cause allergic reactions, breathes inconspicuously and absorbs moisture well. Moreover, it will not lose its brightness or fade – competitors' sets simply have no chance.
2838 UAH*
in stock
The ARDESTO Mix&Match set is for enthusiasts of colorful explosions, avoiding flower swirls, sharp transitions and unexpected solutions. Together with the natural fabric (100% cotton, satin) it successfully works to ensure peace and comfort during sleep. The density indicator is 205 TC, meaning the product will maintain its shape well and will not stretch after the first wash. Satin does not cause allergic reactions, breathes inconspicuously and absorbs moisture well. Moreover, it will not lose its brightness or fade – competitors' sets simply have no chance.
1752 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
1752 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
1602 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
1602 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
1602 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
1398 UAH*
in stock
The 100% cotton ARDESTO Gloria set gives the desired feeling of peace, safety and home, which many currently yearn for. The soft flowing fabric is gentle even the most sensitive skin and allows the body to breathe. The satin material with a density of 200 TS ensures comfort during use thanks to its strength, silkiness and softness. The set's design is made of companion fabrics, chosen with taste, making it a stylish accent for the sleeping area.
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